Program allows to scan multiple pages at a time and save into
single multipage file or into separate single-page files.
Please note that you
can only save files in "PDF" or "TIFF" format to save multiple
pages. Image formats such as "JPEG" will not allow you to save
multiple pages to single files.
You can scan multiple pages of a document, magazine,
or newspaper and save them as one PDF or TIFF file on your computer.
Advanced TIFF Editor displays an editing page so you can view the
pages as you scan them and reorder, rotate, or delete them as
Advanced TIFF Editor can acquire images from any
TWAIN and WIA compatible source, including scanners and digital
Scan Multiple Pages to a PDF and TIFF File
Select the basic settings for the type of originals
you are scanning.
Acquire Settings.
Images can easily be obtained (acquired) from a TWAIN
and WIA data source using the following steps:
1. Make sure the scanner/camera and software is
installed and configured correctly.
Make sure the scanner/camera
and software is installed and working properly.
Advanced TIFF Editor cannot
help with configuring scanner or camera hardware or software. Please
contact the manufacturer of the scanner or camera hardware and
software for technical assistance.
2. Selecting a Twain or Wia source
(scanner, camera, etc.)
The next step is to select the
Twain source that will be used for the scanning. Open
Advanced TIFF Editor and
select the File menu item
and then Select Scanner. The
following dialog box will appear:

The dialog box will display a list of scanners,
cameras and other compatible TWAIN and WIA devices that can be used
with Advanced TIFF Editor
software. Select the desired device and press
Please Note:
Every time Advanced TIFF Editor
is shut down and restarted, you must repeat this to step in order to
scan a document.
3. Scanning a
document and opening it in Advanced TIFF Editor.
Now that the scanner has been selected you are
ready to scan. Insert the document into the scanner. This will
launch your device software user interface.
See the screen shot below for an example using
scanner software from HP:

Press the Scan
button to send the document to
Advanced TIFF Editor. The document will be scanned and opened
up in Advanced TIFF Editor
Please Note: Every manufacturer will have a
different user interface for their software that comes with their
device; however the general idea is the same. For more information
on operating the software included with your scanner, please contact
the device manufacturer.
When scanning is finished, it will ask if you
wish to scan more pages.

If you want to scan more pages, put the next document
on the scanner glass and press the Yes button.
When you have finished scanning all your documents, click the
No button.
Repeating this step, you can scan all pages of a
document at a time.
Program will combine all of the scans into a single
4. Editing and saving your scanned pages.
The Pages List displays thumbnails of each
scanned page. You can use many tools to select, rotate, reorder, and
delete pages in your document. Click the
Help button for details.

If you want to rotate pages, click Pages |
Select Odd pages or Pages | Select Even pages, or
click the individual pages you need.
Then click Rotate | Pages Left (or Pages Right).
If you want to rotate all pages, click Rotate
| Document Right (or Document Left).
If you want to include all the document pages in your
PDF or TIFF file as they currently look, you can use:
File | Save as
Set the file name and the folder, and click
The pages become one PDF or TIFF file and it is saved
in the folder of your choice.
If you do not need to include some of the pages,
click Pages | Select Odd pages or Pages |
Select Even pages , or click the individual pages you need.
click File | Save pages as.
Set the file name and the folder, and click
You will see:

Choose Save to a multipage document and click OK.
The pages become one PDF or TIFF file and it is saved
in the folder of your choice.