Can image editing, like deskew, despeck, resolution changes, etcetera be done from the command line?
Yes you can.
File | Batch Process …
“Actions” tab
click “Add” button
choose necessary actions
Save your actions from the action list to the file “actionlist1.actl”
Click “Save list …” button
Command line:
advtiffeditor.exe /list=”C:\Folder1\filelist1.txt” /actlist=”C:\Folder1\actionlist1.actl” /batchsavefolder=”c:\temp1″ /batchprocess
advtiffeditor.exe “C:\Folder1\TestFile1.tif” /actlist=”C:\Folder1\actionlist1.actl” /batchsavefolder=”c:\temp1″ /batchprocess
filelist1.txt is a text file with a list of files.
Available programs with this feature:
- Advanced TIFF Editor Plus (free download, home page);
- Advanced TIFF Editor (free download, home page);