Is there a method using the Command Line to “add text” or “annotate” a TIF using Advanced TIF Editor.
You can create an Action in the Batch mode
and run it from the command line.
File | Batch Process …
“Actions” tab
click “Add” button
choose “Add Text (Watermark)”
Fill in the required parameters
Save your actions from the action list to the file “actionlist1.actl”
Click “Save list …” button
Command line:
advtiffeditorplus.exe /list=”C:\Folder1\filelist1.txt” /actlist=”C:\Folder1\actionlist1.actl” /batchsavefolder=”c:\temp1″ /batchprocess
advtiffeditorplus.exe “C:\Folder1\TestFile1.tif” /actlist=”C:\Folder1\actionlist1.actl” /batchsavefolder=”c:\temp1″ /batchprocess
filelist1.txt is a text file with a list of files.